Friday, February 23, 2018

M3 Task - Life Story

My Life Story

Starting with the Past:

  • Physical - I played Challenger League Baseball from the time I was nine years old to the time I was fourteen years old. It was my first experience of playing a sport on my own, on a team.
  • Social - This is my Senior Prom 2015 with my friend Emily, her friend Jessica, and Michael.
  • Emotional - This is when I was born, the reason it is emotional is because I was not expected to live.
  • Psychological - This is a painting I painted last semester for my Art Class. It represents pretty what this did (my life story) The yellows are for the people who I care and who have helped me along the way (the bright spots in my life), the blue is for optimism, the green is for new beginnings, the orange represents the good and the bad, the dark red is the bad that has happened in my life.
  • Spiritual - This is the old Church that we used to attend when I was young. The name is Rowden Baptist Church.
  • Cognitive Development - This is me in my walker learning how to walk.

Now the Present:

  • Physical - This is me when I am swimming, I love to swim because I am able to move on my own freely in the water.
  • Social - This is a Chief I met who is related to Quanah Parker the last great Comanche Indian Chief.
  • Emotional -  This is the last picture I have taken with my Grandma, she is currently in the hospital because she fell and broke her him. Right now we do not know what will happen to her yet, whether she will spend her remaining days in a nursing home, or if she will be able to go back home.
  • Psychological - This is a picture of my blog that I have made for my psychological class.
  • Spiritual - This is my family and I at "The Big Cross" in Groom, TX.
  • Cognitive Development - This is a picture of my work on Canvas for HSU.

Finally the Future:

  • Physical - I intend to do a lot more swimming in my future.
  • Social - My plan is to be around the McMurry basketball program as long as Zach my friend is the coach there.
  • Emotional - It will be an emotional time when I finally graduate college.
  • Psychological - I plan on pursuing Sports Psychology as a career.
  • Spiritual - I plan on finding another Church that suits the rest of us.
  • Cognitive Development - I have several years left at Hardin Simmons, that means plenty of learning!


  1. I love seeing your life story and where you have been. I think its awesome that you met and Indian chief that kinda awesome. I'm hoping for your best in the future and that you can achieve all of your goals.

  2. Jordan it is so impressive seeing someone who has their life planned out and in order as well as you do. I can tell you are a deep thinker and someone who truly cares for others first before yourself. It is also very cool that you get the opportunity to hang around the McMurry basketball team and have those great relationships, this was great.

  3. Jordan,
    This is so awesome! I loved reading every single part of this blog post. I enjoyed seeing your life story and seeing where life has taken you. This was very interesting and all the pictures were cool to see. Great job!

  4. Hey Jordan, great job on this post. I liked your organization within how you tried to set up the dimensions of development within each time frame. It was interesting get to know a little more of your development for how you came to be the person you are today. If i could make any critique, it would probable be to create a large description in each dimension of development.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey Jordan!
    I really enjoyed reading your blog! I think it's awesome you are pursuing a job in the field of sports psychology! I thought about going into that field as well and I may still so its cool that you are interested in that as well! Color coding your words made your blog a lot easier to read so I am glad you did that! Overall you wrote a great blog!

  7. Hey Jordan! I can really tell that you put a lot of thought and effort into this task! I really like all your pictures and your reasons for each one. Also, the way that you organized this blog made it a lot easier to read than others that I come across. You did a great job! I really enjoyed learning more about you!

  8. Hi Jordan! You did a great job on this blog! I really liked how you used so many pictures on your poster to show the past, present, and future of your life! I also really like all the colors and subtitles you used in this blog. Keep up the great work!
