Thursday, February 8, 2018

Teen Brain vs Adult Brain

I chose to research the teenage brain because I have often wondered myself why teenagers do what they do. I found it to be a convenient topic to discuss since my stepdad, Jim has a teenage daughter, Taylor. It was interesting to pick his brain and also be able to teach him different things about why teenagers behave in certain ways. By doing this I hope to help him have a better understanding and maybe in the future he will use the information I have given him when the situation arises. I was able to learn things that I have never considered.
  • I always just thought that being selfish as a teenager was a stage they went through. I did not realize the brain had something to do with this. It was unclear to me that it was a biological issue. 
  • Another thing that stood out to me about the videos was the issue about teenagers sleeping all day. I did not understand at first that the reason that they sleep all day is because they are trying to recharge their brains. The time that they are asleep is one of the only times that they can take a step back and re calibrate. 
  • I was also able to delve into why teenagers do risky behaviors and take so many chances, it is because the part of their brain that effects decision making is not fully developed. This may explain why parents struggle to get their teens onto the right path and to have them make the right decisions.


  1. Hi Jordan! I really liked your blog post and your video!! I think you did a really nice job and it seemed that you did a lot of research on the topic! There were some things you mentioned that I had never thought about either and I thought they were very interesting!! Great job!!

  2. Great job Jordan, it is easy to tell that you did a lot of research. I also had a lot of the same assumptions as you. I always believed teenagers were just selfish and rude, it was relieving to find out it was a biological issue.

  3. Nice job, Jordan! I enjoyed watching your interview with your step dad. It's neat to see how much most people believe about teenager behavior is false and what possible solutions there are to dealing with teenagers. You've done well on your research for sure!

  4. Hey Jordan! I really enjoyed your blog post and video! I wish your actual blog post would have been a little longer, because your findings really interested me, but nonetheless you still wrote a great blog! Your facts about teens sleeping all the time really stood out to me as well. I had no idea that we needed so much sleep to actually fully recharge.

  5. Hey Jordan! Great job on this blog post. Your video was interesting. I also chose to do my blog over the teen mind versus the adult mind so it was interesting to see the similarities and differences we came up with individually! Keep up the good work!

  6. Hey Jordan, great blog man! I loved watching your interview with your step dad. The content you gave throughout this blog was very interesting overall. You had me hooked on how people tend to not believe that teenage behavior is true as well as your description over why teenagers are such risk takers. Could you imagine what teenagers would be like if their brains were fully mature?

  7. John's question- "Could you imagine what teenagers would be like if their brains were fully mature?" Great thought!
